
14 Jan 2020

2019/20 Australian Bushfires

2019/20 Australian Bushfires

To all of our international following that are closely watching the devastating 2019/20 Australian bushfires we would like to thank you for your concern and confirm that our campus is safe in Brisbane and we are still operating as per usual.

While we are safe and far from the fires, our hearts go out to everyone affected by the Australian Bushfires in Eastern NSW, Victoria and South Australia.

To our oncampus students, please remember our counselling services are available free of charge for all students and staff and we encourage you to make use of these support services.

For the latest updates on the NSW bushfires, head to NSW RFS or listen to ABC SydneyABC IllawarraABC South East or ABC Riverina.

For the latest on the bushfires in Victoria, head to VicEmergency or listen to ABC GippslandABC Goulburn Murray or ABC SW Victoria.