
24 Mar 2023

SRI trainer awarded by employer

Sarina Russo Institute VET trainer Georgina Enlund was recently presented with a Five-Year Service Award by her employer Beaumont Care, an aged care facility in Queensland.  

Georgina trains SRI international students in Brisbane and domestic students (online) throughout Australia in Individual Support and Community Services. She has been a Vocational Education Trainer since 2017, joining SRI 2019. 

 This award is an important milestone in Georgina’s career, as it recognises her years of service and commitment as well as her contribution to the care of their residents and the success and growth of the aged care facility.  

Industry currency is an essential part of a Vocational Education Trainer’s role. Maintaining connection with their industry ensures their students receive up-to-date training methods that reflect current industry trends. Georgina is passionate about providing quality aged care, with 7 years’ experience working in the industry.  Her employment with Beaumont Care means that she clocks up over 900 hours per year of valuable industry experience to pass onto our students.  

Want to make a difference in the lives of others in your community? Want to be trained by experienced, passionate industry professionals? Sarina Russo Institute’s Certificate III in Individual Support is available for both Domestic and International students. Domestic students can also study Certificate III in Community Services. 

Georgie with her international Certificate III Individual Support students

Find out more:  

International Students: 

CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) 

CRICOS Course Code: 089890C 

Domestic students: 

CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing & Disability) 

CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services